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Our Erasmus projects: DigiTools (Digital Tools for Better Education)

Our second Erasmus+ project started in May 2022, and this is the first major collaboration we are participating in. The project lasts for two years and involves representatives from four countries: the Impact Games expert team on game-based learning from Slovakia, the VitaComm Education educational trainer expert team from Cyprus, the PredictConsulting game development team …

Our Erasmus projects: DigiTools (Digital Tools for Better Education) Leggi altro »

MotiMore GameJam Cup – Game development team competition for high school students

MotiMore GameJam Cup for high school students! Do you ever wonder how someone gets to the point of developing board games, RPGs, PC, console, and app games? Do you often have good ideas on how to present and implement them in game form? Do you play games frequently? Do you think games can be used …

MotiMore GameJam Cup – Game development team competition for high school students Leggi altro »

Gamification Starter Pack for Teachers – Must-have Videos and Expert Articles

In recent times, thanks to an Erasmus grant (#Gamifactory), we’ve been able to work intensively on creating a vibrant, exciting professional package about gamification and, by extension, game-based learning for our teacher community. Let us introduce this to you! Our video series consists of five parts covering the following topics: Introduction to gamification, Tools for …

Gamification Starter Pack for Teachers – Must-have Videos and Expert Articles Leggi altro »

AI 🤖, GAMIFICATION 🏆, GAME-BASED LEARNING 🎲 – Free online course for educators!

Interested in AI, media literacy, gamification, or game-based learning, but not sure how to get started with learning about them? The courses you find may not be at the right time, or you might not want to invest in them until you know if they’re useful for you? Or perhaps you’ve attended similar lectures before, …

AI 🤖, GAMIFICATION 🏆, GAME-BASED LEARNING 🎲 – Free online course for educators! Leggi altro »

Our Erasmus projects DigiTools (Digital Tools for Better Education) – research results

Our Erasmus+ project Digital Tools for Better Education was launched in May 2022, and one of its products was a comprehensive survey of teachers in the four partner countries (Slovakia, Romania, Cyprus, Hungary) on gamification and game-based learning. The results of the research are clear and can be seen in the info-graphic below:   The …

Our Erasmus projects DigiTools (Digital Tools for Better Education) – research results Leggi altro »

Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning – online conference

Dear Educators, Researchers, and Innovators, We are pleased to announce the launch of Heritage Quest AR. This digital mobile game explores people’s everyday lives as a part of an educational project about Limes Romanus, the northern border of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century AD, which connects several countries. The game was developed as …

Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning – online conference Leggi altro »

Our Best Practices: About the E-tanoda Program

E-tanoda is a mentoring program managed by the Foundation for 21st Century Pedagogy, where high school students from Budapest help their disadvantaged peers through online classes. Semesters (if possible) begin with a camp that includes diverse programs, presentations, and professional training. During this camp, study groups are formed so that the mentor and their mentee …

Our Best Practices: About the E-tanoda Program Leggi altro »