Our Erasmus projects: DigiTools (Digital Tools for Better Education)

Our second Erasmus+ project started in May 2022, and this is the first major collaboration we are participating in. The project lasts for two years and involves representatives from four countries: the Impact Games expert team on game-based learning from Slovakia, the VitaComm Education educational trainer expert team from Cyprus, the PredictConsulting game development team from Romania, and from Hungary, the expert team of Motimore.

The project encompasses the creation of 3 major outputs. The first one is led by the Motimore team and involves comprehensive research involving teachers in the four participating countries, focusing on gamification and game-based learning. The second output, based partly on the research, is an educational material for professionals on the aforementioned topics, accessible in all four countries. The third output covers the distribution of this educational material.

The research phase is concluding in the project these days. We will share the completed results here as the project progresses.

Project identifier: 2021-1-SK01-KA220-SCH-000030108

This was created as part of the Erasmus+ project „Digital Tools for Better Schools“ co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.