In recent times, thanks to an Erasmus grant (#Gamifactory), we’ve been able to work intensively on creating a vibrant, exciting professional package about gamification and, by extension, game-based learning for our teacher community. Let us introduce this to you!
Our video series consists of five parts covering the following topics:
- Introduction to gamification,
- Tools for the gamified classroom,
- Designing the gamified classroom in 10 steps,
- Differences and similarities between gamification and game-based learning,
- Beliefs surrounding gamification and game-based learning.
You can access our videos here:
A brief overview of our translated articles:
- One is a practical guide detailing how to design games with your students (game-based learning). We outline the methodology of game design step by step.
- The other article discusses the analysis of gamification elements, aiming to expand your existing knowledge about gamification.
You can download the translations here:
- Designing package
- Analysis of gamification elements article
Watch, read, get inspired!
The MotiMore Team
This project has been funded by the European Union under the #Gamifactory Erasmus+ KA2 project. Project number: 2021-2-SK02-KA210-YOU-000050770.